The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is the worst…and these days it’s harder than ever to get rid of. With social pressures and modern conveniences constantly in your face and in abundance in the grocery store, it’s no wonder that your waistline continues to expand.

fit sportive man and woman doing plank core exercise training back and press muscles concept gym sport sportsman crossfit fitness workout strenght power.

While losing fat, and losing it quickly, can feel impossible, I’m here today to give you a 3-pronged approached to shrink your belly fat once and for all.

#1: Eat Well

It may seem obvious, but everything you put in your body has the potential to go to your belly. The top offender for growing your belly is sugar. This means if you want to slim down around your waistline, cutting sugar from your diet is going to help you fast track your way to your goal. Don’t think this means just avoiding chocolate cake at birthday parties. It means giving up the three tablespoons of sugar you add to your coffee, saying no to soda, and skipping sports drinks. Get your sugars from whole fruits with natural sweetness that also has nutrition.

While cutting sugar from your diet, you’ll need to fill your belly with satiating foods. One of the best options is lean protein. It helps you build muscle (extra muscle = extra belly fat-burning ability) and keeps you full for a longer amount of time. Of course, it also gives you extra energy that helps your workout endurance in the gym.

#2: Work Out Well

Speaking of workout endurance, if you’re going to really shed belly fat, you’re going to have to commit yourself to exercise. No more excuses, and if you are coming to the gym, no more halfway doing it. You’ve got to go all out. But before you laser focus on your core, you should know that, burning off belly fat by targeting all exercises directly at your abs won’t work.

Instead, you’ll need to put in a full-body exercise routine that gets your heart pumping. That means on top of a solid foundation of weights and other strength-training exercises, you’ll want to pile on plenty of high intensity cardio exercises.

#3: Track It All

Getting rid of belly fat is a daunting task, and even when it’s going well, it can feel remarkably slow. By keeping track of your progress and your daily intake and output of calories, you can better determine what’s working and what’s not, and have a better perspective on your actual progress.

Tracking isn’t just good for seeing where you’ve been. It’s also useful for setting goals. Run for 20 minutes yesterday? Go for another couple minutes today. Or better yet, if it took 20 minutes to run two miles yesterday, try running an extra tenth of a mile in the same amount of time today. Keep piling new on challenges for yourself, and that fat that has clung so tightly to your belly through the years will soon start dropping off your frame.

Even the best exercise routine in the world is fruitless if you throw away your results with sloppy eating. Remember to keep your meals lean by avoiding processed carbs, packaged foods or fried items. Fill up on lean proteins and fresh vegetables and reward yourself with organic, seasonal fruit (if it’s on your meal plan.) That, my friend, is lean living!

If you haven’t made an appointment for a nutrition consultation, now is the perfect time to get started. Just text me to set one up. With the fresh summer vegetables that are in season, you can make some delicious, nutritious meals that well help melt that belly fat away in no time flat! If you already a Full Spectrum Fitness client, thank you so very much for your continued support. If your friends have asked you ‘what have you been doing?’ please tell them to come in and check out our offerings, or go the website to learn more. Thank you.


Mike Shannon
